
Main written characters.
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Post by KBear »

To be edited by moon

Name - V'kry (Vee Cry)
aka: Valkry
Gender - Male
DOB - 10/10
Age - 19
Location- Captive Weyrling

Personality - Valkry is a mean bully. Size doesn't matter neither does the age. He deliberatly bumps into or trips his victims finding the results something to laugh at. There is no quit in the lad. Once he sinks his teeth into something he keeps at it until he masters it. He can be rude to everyone and stand offish. For all his rough exterior he hides a scared lonely heart that has been abused once too often.

Sexual Preferences - Straight

Likes - Being mean and picking on everyone he can. Dragons and flits. And a job well done.
Dislikes - Hair on his head. Weaklings in any species. Being alone.
Hobbies - being a bully
Ambitions/Dreams - Maybe being a Dragon Rider and a owner of a flit if nothing else. He would get all the attention and credit he has coming to him if he was a Rider. At the least, he would have something that loved only him and he wouldn't be lonely any more. If he became a rider, he would want to be a Wingleader.

Hair - None (shaved off the ugly stuff)
Eyes - Blue
Weight - 190
Height - 6'

Features - Tall and lanky. Blue eyes and bald head. Shaved off the hair he hates leaving a gleaning skull that he is proud of. 6` tall with brosd shoulders and narrow hips. If it weren't for the rope he uses for a belt he would lose the pants. Sprinkling of freckles run across his angular face making it look like he was splattered with dirt.


Character Model - Vin Diesel

Mother - Kryston - deceased from the plague
Father - Valstran - Farmer
Siblings - none
Spouse - none
Partner - none
Children - none

Craft - Captive Brown Weyrling
Rank - Weyrling
Master -

History - Valkry grew was born to parents in a out of the way cottage . There were a group of 5 such cottages way out here. They rarely had visitors and that suited his father just fine. There were six kids total between the small group. His mother died in the plague and his father barely survived. It wouldn't have bothered Valkry if his father had died instead. The man was abusive to the boy and his mother. Hard work and no praise was the mans way of life. Farming wasn't easy, but it seemed to Valkry neither was being a spouse to a abuser.

Valkry learned to be a bully from his father. All the things his father did to him, Valkry passsed on to the other kids. He didn't like to be on the recieving end, but really enjoyed being the one to cause it all. He even took his pranks to the other adults in their small grouping. Triping some one with a full armload of anything was funny to the boy. If he got caught, his father took care of it by forcing the lad to do harder work. Someday he would escape this.

The day Valkry was searched was a fluke. If he had stayed home with his mother instead of helping his father take a load of grain to the grainery he would still be farming. The Green Dragon was there when they arrived. Scared silly and in awe at the same time, Valkry had to be cuffed across the shoulders to pay attention and help his father unload the sacks. He helped but his attention was on watching the Dragon out of the corner of his eye. One just didn't get the chance to see one this close everyday.

Valkry was helping arrange the sacks when his father walked up to him and told him to go with the GreenRider. Nothing else was said, just told to go with the pair. Standing there unsure what to do, Valkry watched his father turn the team and now empty wagon around and head back home while leaving Valkry standing in the center of the road staring at him. Next thing Valkry knew he was being strapped in behind the Rider and they were airborne.

He wasn't at the Weyr very long before the Weyr was attacked. Valkry found himself hearded with others into the Dinning Cavern. Then they were taken to a place that was full of the smell of fear and other things. He had just settled for a nap when he and others were gathered up and tossed into a large cavern with a golden pillar and Dragon eggs next to a pair of very large Dragons that seemed to be protecting them.

He got into the circle when told to with the others, and soon things started happening. One second he was amazed as he watched the babies hatch and pair up and the next instant he was hearing his name called and there was a feeling of love and peace filling him. Looking down into the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. A little Brown Kenneth was telling him he was his.

Dragon - Caged Captive Egg - Black with white speckles
Name - Kenneth
Color - Brown
Sire-Bronze Nicorth
Dam- Gold Corianth
Personality - He is a stuborn brown dragon that will argue with his rider when he feels he is right.
Though he is a caring dragon who will listen to his rider preference.

History - Across the sands closer to the larger Dragons a lonely black egg that was covered with little white speckles caught his attention as it fell over onto its side. It then rolled a few feet forward then spun around. All of a sudden the egg split and a Brown tail poked out of the shell before it exploded and spilled its occupant onto the sands. It took a moment for the little thing to get to its feet. Once on his feet he started down the line of those still standing on th sands. He turned around to head back the way he came until he spotted what he wanted clear across the other side of the sands.

V'kry, there you are. I am YOUR Kenneth and I am VERY hungry. The little Brown stumbled across the sands with his wings wide spread for balance. He came to a stop in front of V'kry then ducked his head under the lads hand. Can we go eat now Mine?

Description -  The color of dark mud a deep brown with swirls of lighter brown along the belly and tail.

Fire lizard -
Name -
Color -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Pets -
Name -
Species -
Personality -
History -
Description -

Notes -
Last edited by KBear on Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:42 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: V'kry of Brown Kenneth

Post by Moon »

This character is unapproved.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: V'kry of Brown Kenneth

Post by Moon »

I am passing approval pending SJ and Talen.
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: V'kry of Brown Kenneth

Post by SyberJedi »

This character needs the following filled out:
Likes -
Dislikes -
Hobbies -
Ambitions/Dreams -
character model
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: V'kry of Brown Kenneth

Post by Talen »

there also no parent info or history for rider
and no Sire or Dam for the dragon
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Re: V'kry of Brown Kenneth

Post by SyberJedi »

Need a character model for this character.
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: V'kry of Brown Kenneth

Post by SyberJedi »

"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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Re: V'kry of Brown Kenneth

Post by Talen »

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Re: V'kry of Brown Kenneth

Post by Moon »

Vin Diesel or Garret Hudlund?
I will EDIT! :o
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Re: V'kry

Post by SyberJedi »

I have two different chosen models for this character. Which one are you planning to use?
"But Lord, during the hardest trials of my life, why was there only one set of footprints?"

"Because," said the Lord, "Sandpeople always ride single-file to hide their numbers." -unknown
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